
时间:2022-12-03 13:15:03 来源:网友投稿

重阳节是老人的节日用英语怎么说10篇重阳节是老人的节日用英语怎么说 1. 铁石心肠 cruelandunrelenting2. 置死地于后生 avigorousandmanlyexertion3. 千秋下面是小编为大家整理的重阳节是老人的节日用英语怎么说10篇,供大家参考。





 cruel and unrelenting 2.


 a vigorous and manly exertion 3.

 千秋功业 a great undertaking of lasting importance 4.

 安居乐业 live in peace and work happily 5.

 骨肉分离 family separation 6.

 各得其所 be properly provided for 7.

 众议纷纭 disagree on 8.

 岁月不居来日苦短 Time does not stay is brief is the day. 9.

 夜长梦多 A long delay may mean trouble. 10.

 时不我与 Time and tide wait for no man. 11.

 依时顺势 keep up with the tide 12.

 日渐没落 being pushed out of business 13.

 鹬蚌相争 play A off against B 14.

 浩然之气 noble spirit 15.

 凤毛麟角 a rarity of the rarities 16.

 望而生畏 stand in awe before 17.

 敬而远之 keep respectfully aloof from 18.

 众矢之的 in the dock 19.

 毫无瓜葛 be divorced from 20.

 尔虞我诈 sheer cunning and falsehood 21.

 备受推崇 be rewarded and respected 22.

 善有善报恶有恶报 the good inevitably is successful and the bad inevitably punished 23.

 其乐融融 sweetness and light 24.

 义无反顾 feel obliged to 25.

 物美价廉 attractive in price and quality 26.

 源源不断 keep flowing in a steady stream 27.

 滚滚不息 pour into 28.

 福祉 well-being 29.

 精华 quintessence 30.

 阴霾 specter 31.

 势不两立 pit sth against sth 32.

 打折扣 wear thin / water down 33.

 大展宏图 score big points 34.

 重整旗鼓 shock sth back to life 35.

 不谋而合 coincide with 36.

 染指 dip one’s finger in 37.

 博大精深 both extensive and profound 38.

 源远流长 long-standing and well-established 39.

 诸子百家 the masters’ hundred schools 40.

 天下为公 All under heaven are equal. 41.

 天下兴亡匹夫有责 Everybody is responsible for the fate of his country. 42.

 吃苦耐劳 bear hardships 43.

 勤俭持家 frugality in household management


 尊师重教 respect teachers and value education 45.

 当务之急 highest priority 46.

 遭受重创 take a heavy toll 47.

 先见之明 prescient move 48.

 奇园古宅 exotic gardens and old mansions 49.

 衣食住行 clothing, food, shelter and transportation 50.

 信誓旦旦 be poised to


  英语手抄报资料 第一部分 【世博英语手抄报】请用英语说出下列词汇

 1 上网 (surf on the Internet)

 2 娱乐 (entertainment)

 3 世博会主题 (Expo Theme)

 4 磁悬浮列车 the Maglev

 5 志愿者 (volunteer)

 第二部分 【世博英语手抄报】用英语回答考官提问

 1 Where are you from? (I’m from America.)

 2 When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? (It’s on August 15 of the Chinese lunar Calendar.)

 3 Could you ask her to call me back? (May I tell her who’s calling?)

 4 What’s the theme of Expo 2010? (Better city, better life.)

 5 Where is the Expo Site? (It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.)

 第三部分 【世博英语手抄报】根据中文提示用英语 1 你问对方空中旅行还顺利吧。

 (Did you have a good flight?)

 2 你请对方别拘束。

 (Make yourself at home, please.)

 3 重阳节是老年人的节日怎么说(The Double Nine Festival is the Festival for the elderly.)

 4 城市让生活更美好怎么说 (Better city, better life.)

 5 你告诉对方你在寻找服务中心。

 (I’m looking for the Service Center.)

 复习--英语手抄报资料 第一部分 【世博英语手抄报】请用英语说出下列词汇

 1. 2010 年上海世博会 Expo 2010 Shanghai China

 2. 世博会会徽 Expo emblem

 3. 世博会主题 Expo theme

 4. 世博园区 the Expo Site

 5. 主题馆 the theme pavilions

 6. 世博会村 the Expo Village

 7. 世博中心 the Expo Center

 8. 志愿者 volunteers

 9. 城市让生活更美好 Better city, better life.

 10. 公共服务 public service

 11. 信息中心 the Information Center

 12. 服务中心 the Service Center

 13. 急救中心 the Emergency Center

 14. 市中心 downtown

 15. 黄浦江 the Huangpu River

 16. 地标 landmark

 17. 路标 the road sign

 18. 公共交通 public transport

 19. 红绿灯 traffic lights

 20. 轻轨站 the light rail station

 21. 过江隧道 tunnels under the river

 22. 轮渡 ferry

 23.. 专线大巴 the shuttle bus

 24. 园内巴士 the on-site bus

 25. 518 路公共汽车站 No.518bus stop

 26磁悬浮列车 the Maglev

 27. 地铁站 a metro station

 28. 地铁 8 号线 Metro Line 8

 29. 停车场 the parking lot

 30. 叫辆出租车 hail a taxi

 31. 停车 park one’s car

 32. 旅游景点 tourist attractions

 33. 游客 tourist

 34. 导游 guide

 35. 入口处 entrance

 36. 外滩 the Bund

 37. 豫园 the Yu Garden

 38. 东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl Tower

 39. 上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre

 40. 夜游 night tour

 41. 观光长廊 the sightseeing corridor

 42. 中国农历 the Chinese lunar calendar

 43. 节日 festivals

 44. 端午节 the Dragon Boat Festival

 45. 中秋节 the Mid-autumn Festival

 46. 重阳节 the Double Nine Festival

 47. 娱乐 entertainment

 48. 上网 surf the Internet

 49. 看电影 see a movie

 50. 赏月 enjoy the moon

 51. 月饼 moon-cakes

 52.特色点心 local specialty

 53. 小笼包子 Xiaolong Dumplings

 54. 丰盛的晚餐 a wonderful meal / a nice dinner

 55. 打电话 make telephone calls

 56. 打电话者 caller

 57. 接电话者 receiver

 58. 留个口信 leave a message

 59. 回个电话 call me back

 60. 记下口信 take the message

 61. 感谢 gratitude

 62歉意 apology

 63. 请别拘束。

 Please make yourself at home.

 64. 鲜花盛开 Flowers are in bloom.

 65打招呼 greetings

 66. 公文包 briefcase

 67. 24 小时 round-the-clock

 68. 接待外国朋友 receive a foreign friend

 69问路 ask the way

 70四处走走 get about


 朱彤I want to ask Vice Premier Qian Q 钱其琛任何一个内阁里面有人在前苏联留过学或者是在其他国家留过学就认为这个内阁一定是对哪个国家怎么样我看这个逻辑不存在。我们中国的内阁都是不管从哪里学习回来的有什么经验都是中国的内阁。

 朱彤I don"t,we don"t have such a logic that in a cabinet if one member or several members have been studied in former Soviet Union or in any other countries,then this cabinet will be pro-Soviet Union or pro-any coutry.We don"t have this logic.I think no matter where the members of the cabinet once studied or what experience the members of the cabinet used to have,this cabinet is the cabinet of China.

 记者谢谢。首先我要谢谢朱总理。我必须这样说就是说您也是我的偶像。大家好我是香港凤凰卫视中文台的吴小莉想要请教朱总理的是我们知道在亚洲的金融风暴当中香港的影响在今年已经陆续地显现了。尤其在今年上半年的过程当中最近香港的失业率也创了一年半来的新高。想要请教的是在中央政府对于香港经济的困难和困境的时候会采取什么样具体的措施来加以支持。另外海外的媒体对您的评价相当地高外界有人说您是“铁面宰相” 或者说是“经济沙皇” 。在您的铁腕政策之下我们知道外传在您进行机构改革或者说在一些国有企业改革的过程当中宏观调近期的过程当中也有一些对您的家人的不方便和困扰。想请您谈一谈您在进行改革过程中的心路历程有没有曾经想过沮丧想要放弃过 朱彤Thank you,Premier Zhu.I must tell that you are also my idol.I am from Phoenix Hong Kong.You know,the effect on Hong Kong of the financial crisis in Southeast Asia has begun to show,especially in the first half of this year,the unemployment rate in Hong Kong is the highest over the past one and a half years.So my first question,is what specific measures would the central government adopt if the Hong Kong economy

 were to face difficulties.And the second question,you know the foreign media have,um,very high,uh,spoken very highly of you,and they called you a *poker-faced Prime MInister or economic *czar.And we also know that in the course of the reform of the macro-regulation and the control and the reform of the government institutions,uh,there have been some inconveniences or some troubles caused to your families.Can you tell us,uh,have you ever felt depressed or frustrated and have you ever thought of giving up all ,all this? poker-faced:铁面无私的 czar:帝俄的皇帝沙皇

 朱镕基首先从去年发生亚洲的金融危机以来特别是 10 月份大概是 10 月 24 号香港发生了股灾。但是由于香港的经济结构比较完善香港的经济实力比较强大有 980 亿美元的外汇储备再加上香港特朱彤Since the financial crisis in Asia last year and especially since the stock market crash in Hong Kong on the 24th of October last year,thanks to the sound economic struture and a fairly strong economic power and a very large foreign exchange reserve of 98 billion US dollars in Hong kong,and also thanks to the effective and„measures and leadership exercised by the Hong Kong *SAR government,Hong Kong has overcome one difficulty after another. SAR:Special Administrative Region 特别行政区


 朱彤The Chinese government speaks very highly of the policies adopted by the Hong Kong SAR government and we don"t think that Hong Kong would encounter *insurmountable difficulties in the future. insurmountable:不能克服的


 朱彤But if the Hong Kong SAR government were to need the support from the central government in an exceptional case or under exceptinal circumstances,then as long as the Hong Kong SAR government filed a request with the central government of China,then the central government of China would spare no efforts and would spare no cost to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and to maintain the link system between the Hong Kong dollar and the US dollar.


 朱彤As for myself,I don"t have much to say.Whatever the foreign media call me,call me China"s Gorbanchev or economic czar or anything else,I"m not happy about that.



 朱彤So,as for my thinking,I think at present that"s very simple.At this session of the National People"s Congress,the deputies have entrust me with a very heavy and important task,and I myself can feel very keenly the *arduousness of this task.And actually I"m really fearful or I"m afraid that uh,and I,that I would let the people down. arduous:艰巨的费力的困难的


 朱彤But no matter what is waiting for me in front of me ,being land mines or an *abyss,I will *blaze my trail and I have no hesitation anabyss:深渊深坑深处 blaze:使燃烧闪耀出显示出




  请用英语说出下列词汇 1





 特色点心 2



 地铁 8 号线


 隧道 3





 拐角处 4





 停车场 5





 2010 世博会 6





 丰盛的晚餐 7





 急救中心 8





 叫车租车 9



  24 小时服务


 志愿者 10




 地铁 1 号线

  路标 1. Moon cakes * The Mid-autumn Festival * The Dragon Boat Festival * The Double Nine Festival * local specialty

 2. metro station * road sign * Metro Line8 * ferry * tunnel 3. light rail station * bus stop * airport * traffic lights * corner 4. The Yu Garden * entrance * Shanghai Grand Theater * The Bund *Parking lot 5. Expo Village * Theme pavilions * Expo Center * Expo Site * Expo 2010

 6. entertainment * Expo emblem *

 downtown * bank *

 wonderful meal 7. bank * Maglev * Service Center * sightseeing corridor * Emergency Center 8. In the morning * during the day * The Oriental Pearl Tower * shuttle bus * hail a taxi 9. go to see a movie * party * round-the-clock * nice present * volunteer

 10.Welcome * Information Center * entrance * Metro Line 1 * road sign 第二部分

  用英语回答考官提问 1

 Where are you from?

  I’m from **. 2

 Where is the Expo Site?

 It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River. 3

 Did you have a good flight?

  Yes, I did. 4

 Is that Mr. Black?

  Yes, speaking. 5

 Jane, this is my friend, Susan.

  Hi,Susan. 6

 What’s the theme of Expo 2010?

  Better city, better life. 7

 What do people usually do for entertainment?

  Watch TV and surf the Internet. 8

 Thank you for your wonderful meal.

  I’m glad you enjoyed it, Thank you for coming. 9

 How is spring here?

 Oh, it is a nice sight. Flowers are in bloom. 10

  How is summer here?

  It might be a bit hot during the day. But it is usually cool early in the morning and in the evening. 11

  How is autumn here?

 Oh, Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn. 12

  When will the expo begin?

 The Expo will begin on May 1. 13

  When do you expect her to be back?

 In the afternoon, at about four. 14

  When is the Mid-autumn festival?

 It’s on August 15 of the Chinese lunar calendar. We usually eat moon-cakes and enjoy the moon. 15

  Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?

 Please look for the road sign. 16

  Where is the light rail station, please?

 Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left. 17

  How often do you go to see a movie?

  Once a month. 18

  Are you all volunteers for expo? Yes,we are.

 We want to do something for our city and the Expo. 19

  Thank you for showing us around.

  You’re welcome. 20

  Is the expo center still far off?

 You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor. 21

  I’ll tell her when she comes back.

 Thank you. 22

  When is the Dragon-boat festival?

  It’s in May or June. 23

  When will the expo end?

 The Expo will end on October 31. 24

  Excuse me, where can I take Metro Line8?

 There is a metro station just across from the parking lot. 25

  Excuse me, my friend has a bad stomachache.

 Let me call the Emergency Center. 26

  Excuse me, how can I get to the Hilton Hotel?

  Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself. 27

  Excuse me, is there a bank near here?

 Yes, there is one around the corner. 28

  What is the local specialty in Shanghai?

 Xiaolong Dumplings. 29

  What will the weather be like during the expo?

 There will be three seasons during the Expo. 30

  Let me take the message. I’m **. I’m

 calling to her I can’t go to her party. 31

  I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.

 That’s all right. 32

  Make yourself at home, please.

  Yes, I will. 33

  Oh, I’ll be late.

  Do not worry. You can hail a taxi.


  Where are the theme pavilions?

  They are in the center of the Expo Site. 35

  How are you?

 Very well, thank you. And you? 36

  Can I leave a message?

  (Sure.) 37

  Could you ask her to call me back?

  May I tell her who’s

 calling? 38

  Is it convenient to go to the expo site in Pudong?

  You can go there through tunnels under the river. 39

  Is the emergency center open now?

 Yes, it is open round-the-clock. 40

  How often does the shuttle bus run?

 Every ten minutes. 41

  Sorry, I’m late.

 Oh, that’s all right. 42

  Have some more, please.

 No, thank you. I’ve had enough. 43

  Thank you very much for your nice present.

  I’m glad you like it. 44

  May I know your name?

  My name is ***. 45

  I can’t find my briefcase.

  Don’t worry. You can ask the Information Center for help. 46

  Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr.Smith.

  Hold on, please. 47

  Welcome to my home!

 Thank you.


  What do you prefer, tea or coffee?

  Tea, please. 49

  How long will the expo last?

  The Expo will last six months. 50

  How far is the airport from the expo village?

  About an hour by bus. 第三部分

  根据中文提示,用英语表达 Topic1:




 We usually eat Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival. 2.


 Double Nine Festival is the festival for elderly. Topic2:

  Ask for direction 1


  Which way are you going? 2


 Go to the traffic and then turn left. 3


 You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor. 4


 I’m looking for the Service Center. 5


 Excuse me, madam, is there a bank near here? 6

  你问对方想坐磁悬浮列车去机场吗?Do you want to take the Maglev to the airport. 7


 There’s one bank around the corner. 8


  Shanghai Grand Theatre is somewhere downtown. 9

 告诉对方,停车场对面有地铁站。There is a metro station just across from the parking lot. 10

 专线巴士会把你带到入口处附近。The shuttle bus will take you near the entrance. 11

 你问对方想坐专线大巴去机场吗? Do you want to take the shuttle bus to the airport. 12


 Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself. Topic3:

  Tour 1.


  Did you have a good flight? 2.


 The Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists. 3.


  The Bund is a must to visitors. 4.


 The Oriental Pearl Tower is the landmark of Shanghai. 5.


 It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai. 6.


 A night tour on the Huangpu River is really exciting! 7.


 You can see people of different races in Xin Tian Di. 8.


  I’m glad you enjoyed it. Topic4:

  Thanks 1


 Thank you very much for your help. 2


 Thank you for helping me to carry the bag. 3


 Thank you very much for your help. 4


 I’ve had enough, thank you. Topic5:

  Invitation 1


  Please make yourself at home. 2




  Nice to meet you. 4


 Nice to see you, miss Zhang.



  Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? 6


 Would you like another cup of tea? 7


  Help yourself to some dishes, please. 8


  **, this is Mrs.Black. Topic6:

  Message 1


 May I tell her who’s calling? 2


 Can I leave a message? 3


 Sorry, she’s not in at the moment. Others: 1


 I usually go to see a movie and surf the intern 2

  上海越来越国际化了,怎么说?Shanghai is becoming increasingly internationalized. 3

  世博会会徽看起来像三个人挽着手。Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands. 4


  Better city, better life. 5


 Don’t worry. You can ask the Information Center for help.


  急救中心全天 24 小时服务。The Emergency Center is open round-the-clock.



  Are you all right? 8


 I want to do something for the Expo. 9


 I am sorry for stepping on your toes.


博,学双语上海市民英语培训上海远程教育集团 上海电视大学继续教育学院培训部上海远程教育集团 上海电视大学继续教育学院培训部

 关于我们• 上海远程教育集团、上海电视大学继续教育学院有继续教育、干部教育、岗位培训、中外合作教育等各类项目180余项。近1000万人次参加培训考试。

 精品培训项目 外语类英语四六级专业英语四级英语口译公共英语学位英语托业托福 管理类香港MBA初级工商管理(EBA)哈佛研究生院网络课程 资格证书类助理物流师社会工作者会计从业资格证书通用秘书岗位资格证书

 How much do you know about Expo 2010?

 • Expo theme: Better city, better life.• Duration: May 1-Oct. 31.• Emblem/symbol: Chinese character “世”(World). It looks like three people holding hands.• Mascot of World Expo 2010: Haibao, literally means "treasure of the world“.• Where is the expo site?It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.

 Part Ⅰ:Introduction about the test• 考试时间大约五分钟,随机抽取试题。• 考题录在考试磁带上,进入考场即听磁带,根据要求应答。考题录在考试磁带上,进入考场即听磁带,根据要求应答。• 考试无准备时间。所有考题的回答时间都制作在磁带里,考试过程中不停带或倒带,以确保考试的公平、公正。考试无准备时间。所有考题的回答时间都制作在磁带里,考试过程中不停带或倒带,以确保考试的公平、公正。

 Final Test:3 parts( (50 分)用英语说出词汇(用英语说出词汇(5 个单词和词组,10分)根据中文提示,用英语表达(分)根据中文提示,用英语表达(5 句,20 分)用英语回答考官提问(用英语回答考官提问(5 句,20 分)

 Part Ⅱ: Course• Useful Words & Phrases• Question & Answer• Translation (Chinese → English)

 Words & Phrases1. 地铁站2. 在白天3. 汽车站4. 娱乐5. 中秋节6. 路标7. 世博园区8. 重阳节9. 2010 世博会10. 红绿灯11. 清晨12. 叫出租车13. 拐角处14. 专线巴士15. 东方明珠16. 入口处17. 豫园18. 磁悬浮列车19. 世博会会徽20. 看电影21. 漂亮的礼物22. 聚会23. 隧道24. 服务中心

 • Metro station• In the daytime• Bus stop• Entertainment• Mid-autumn Festival• Road sign• Expo site• Double Nine Festival•Expo 2010•Traffic light•Morning•Hail a taxi•Corner•Shuttle bus•The Oriental Pearl Tower•entrance•Yu Garden•The Maglev•Expo emblem•See a movie•Nice present•Party•Tunnel•Service center

 Words & Phrases25. 观光长廊26. 机场27. 世博中心28. 上海大剧院29. 24 小时服务30. 特色点心31. 月饼32. 外滩33. 世博村34. 地铁8 号线35. 信息中心36. 停车场37. 端午节38. 轮渡39. 志愿者40. 欢迎41. 轻轨站42. 急救中心43. 银行44. 丰盛的晚餐45. 市中心46. 主题馆

 • Sightseeing corridor• Airport• Expo center• Shanghai Grand Theater• Round-the-clock service• Specialty• Moon cake• The bund•Expo village•Metro Line Eight•Information Center•Parking lot•Dragon Boat Festival•Ferry•Volunteer•welcome•Light rail station•Emergency center•Bank•Nice dinner/wonderful meal•Downtown•Theme pavilion

 Question & Answer1.Is that Mr. Black?2.Thank you for your wonderful meal!3.May I know your name, please?4.How is summer here?5.How often do you go to see a movie?6.Is the expo center still far off?7.Oh, I’ll be late!8.Excuse me, my friend has a bad stomachache.

 Question & Answer9. What do you usually do for entertainment?10. How is spring here?11. Where shall me wait for the on-site bus?12. When do you expect to be back?13. When is the Mid-autumn day?14. Are you all volunteers for the expo?15. Where is the light rail station please?16. Thank you for showing us around.

 Question & Answer17. How is autumn here?18. I’ll tell her when she comes back.19. When is the dragon-boat festival?20. How far is the airport from the expo village?21. Let me take the message.22. Excuse me, is there a bank near here?23. Make yourself at home, please.24. When will the expo end?

 Question & Answer25. Where are the theme pavilions?26. What will the weather be like during expo?27. How often does the shuttle bus run?28. Excuse me, how can I get to the Hilton hotel?29. I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.30. What is the local specialty in shanghai?31. When will the expo begin?

 Question & Answer32. Have some more, please.33. I can’t find my briefcase.34. Thank you very much for your nice present.35. Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith.36. Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?37. Excuse me, where can I take metro line 8?38. Welcome to my home!39. How long will the expo last?

 Question & Answer40. Where are you from?41. Can I leave a message?42. Jane, this is my friend Susan.43. Did you have a good flight?44. Could you ask her to call me back?45. Is it convenient to go to the expo site in Pudong?

 Question & Answer46. Is the emergency center open now?47. What is the theme of expo 2010?48. Where is the expo site?

 根据中文提示用英语表达1. 你问对方空中旅行还顺利吧?Did you have a good flight?2. 你告诉对方你在寻找服务中心。I’m looking for the Service Center.3. 上海越来越国际化了怎么说?Shanghai is becoming more and more international.4. 你请对方别拘束。Make yourself at home, please.

 5. 我通常看电视、上上网,怎么说?I usually watch TV and surf the Internet.6. 在新天地,你可以看到各国游客。You can see people of different races in Xin Tian Di.7. 别人帮你拎包,你怎么表示感谢?Thank you for helping me to carry the bag.8. 对不起,他现在不在。He’s not in at the moment.

 9. 请注意路标。Please look for the road sign.10. 你问对方想坐专线大巴去机场吗?Do you want to take the shuttle bus to the airport?11. 你踩了别人的脚,表示对不起。I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.12. 问对方要去哪个方向?Which way are you going?根据中文提示用英语表达

 13. 端午节我们通常吃粽子。We usually eat Zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival.14. 是否哪里不舒服?Are you all right?15. 我们希望为世博会做些事情。We want to do something for the Expo.16. 别人带领你参观,表示感谢。Thank you for showing me around.

 17. 沿着这条观光长廊就可以到达。You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor.18. 告诉对方,走到红绿灯的地方往左拐弯。Go to the traffic lights and then turn left.19. 你能尽兴,我很高兴。I’m glad you enjoyed it.20. 你可以向信息中心求助。You can ask the Information Center for help.根据中文提示用英语表达

 21. 别人帮助了你,表示感谢。Thank you for your help.22. 请吃菜。Please help yourself to some dishes.23. 专线大巴会把你带到入口处附近。The shuttle bus will take you near the entrance.24. 你告诉对方,你对这儿也不熟悉。I’m a stranger here myself.

 25. 夜游黄浦江真是令人高兴。The night tour on the Huangpu River was really exciting.26. 见到张小姐很高兴。Nice to meet you, Miss Zhang.27. 拐角处有一家银行。There is a bank around the corner.28. 这是一年中最适宜来上海游玩的时间。It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai.根据中文提示用英语表达

 29. 上海大剧院在市中心。Shanghai Grand Theater is somewhere downtown.30. 问客人想再喝一杯茶吗?Would you like another cup of tea?31. 问一位女士,附近有银行吗?Excuse me, Madam, is there a bank near hear?32. 问对方他什么时候回来?When do you expect her/him to be back?

 33. 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手拉手。The Expo emblem looks like three people holding hands.34. 豫园总是游人如云。The Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists.35. 已经吃饱了,向对方表示感谢。Thank you. I’ve had enough.36. 告诉对方,见到他很高兴。Nice to meet you.根据中文提示用英语表达

 37. 重阳节是老年人的节日。The Double Nine Festival is the festival of the elderly.38. 急救中心全天24 小时服务。The Emergency center is open round-the-clock.39. 外滩是游客的必游之地。The Bund is a must to visitors.40. 欢迎布莱克夫人到上海。Mrs. Black. Welcome to Shanghai.

 41. 问对方想坐磁悬浮去机场吗?Do you want to take the Maglev to the airport?42. 我能向他转告您是谁吗?May I tell him who’s calling?43. 城市让生活更美好!Better city, better life.44. 请对方别担心,可以向信息中心求助。Don’t worry. You can ask the Information Center for help.根据中文提示用英语表达

 45. 向对方介绍玛丽· 布莱克 。This is Mary Black.46. 问客人想喝茶还是咖啡。Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?47. 我能留个口信吗?Can I leave a message?48. 东方明珠是上海的地标。The Oriental Pearl Tower is the landmark of Shanghai.49. 告诉对方停车场对面有地铁站。There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.

 Two important subjects1. Food, Entertainment & Festivals2. Tourist Attractions in Shanghai

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals春节Spring festival

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals元宵节(灯节)Lantern festival

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals清明节Qing Ming festival

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals端午节Dragon boat festival

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals中秋节Mid-Autumn festival

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals重阳节Double Ninth festival

 Food, Entertainment & Festivals元旦New Year’s Day青年节Chinese Youth Day劳动节International Labor Day妇女节Women’s Day国庆节National Day儿童节Children’s Day情人节Valentine’s Day教师节Teacher’s Day圣诞节Christmas Day

 上海旅游节Food, Entertainment & Festivals上海桂花节上海电视节上海桂花节上海电视节Shanghai Tourist FestivalShanghai Osmanthus FestivalShanghai Television Festival上海国际服装文化节Shanghai International Clothing Culture Festival

 上海国际花卉节Food, Entertainment & Festivals上海国际茶文化节上海国际电影节上海国际茶文化节上海国际电影节Shanghai International Flower FestivalShanghai International Tea Culture FestivalShanghai International Film Festival上海国际艺术节Shanghai International Art Festival

 Tourist Attractions in ShanghaiGame- Basic Skills of a tour guideLook at Chinese names of the tourist attractions, speak their English names loudly as many as you can at one breath. Don’t stop! If you stop for more than 5 seconds, then you failed.

 Tourist Attractions in Shanghai上海世博园玉佛寺龙华寺东方明珠电视塔上海野生动物园外滩豫园人民广场上海大剧院上海马戏城上海植物园上海动物园上海体育馆上海国际会议中心 金茂大厦上海科技馆世纪公园上海影城南京路步行街上海音乐厅世纪公园世纪大道一大会址上海博物馆上海世博园玉佛寺龙华寺东方明珠电视塔上海野生动物园外滩豫园人民广场上海大剧院上海马戏城上海植物园上海动物园上海体育馆上海国际会议中心 金茂大厦上海科技馆世纪公园上海影城南京路步行街上海音乐厅世纪公园世纪大道一大会址上海博物馆

 Thank You!上海远程教育集团 上海电视大学继续教育学院培训部上海远程教育集团 上海电视大学继续教育学院培训部





 the double ninth festival (the ninth day of the ninth lunar month )重阳节

 农历九月初九,两阳相重,故叫“ 重阳” ,重阳节又是“老人节老人节” 。“ 九月重阳,金风送爽”,重阳自然是登高远眺的好时节,在这一天,人们佩带茱萸,携酒登山,畅游欢饮。当然,,重阳自然是登高远眺的好时节,在这一天,人们佩带茱萸,携酒登山,畅游欢饮。当然,“ 重阳登山”不仅仅是因为秋高气爽的好天气,做为重阳节一大重要习俗,不仅仅是因为秋高气爽的好天气,做为重阳节一大重要习俗,“ 登山” 源于一个“ 为民除害”的民间传说。关于这个因的民间传说。关于这个因” 民间英雄”而兴起的节日,虽然大部分人都可用汉语来讲述,但若想把它送出国门之外,讲给老外听,似乎还是难了那么一点点。来吧,阅读一下以下文字,相信会对您有所帮助。而兴起的节日,虽然大部分人都可用汉语来讲述,但若想把它送出国门之外,讲给老外听,似乎还是难了那么一点点。来吧,阅读一下以下文字,相信会对您有所帮助。

 the "chong yang festivalis celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the double ninth festival.

 origins: the festival began as early as

  the warring states period (475 221 bc).

 according to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang

 represents life and brightness. the number nine is regarded as yang. the ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "chong yang festival". (chong means "repeatin chinese.) the ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. it is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. the double ninth festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.

 climbing mountains: on the double ninth festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink

  chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. the double ninth festival is also the "old men festival". old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the


 the 9th day of september in the lunar calendar is "the chinese chong yang festivaland a happy occasion in autumn. according to the traditional theory of "yinand "yang", both the 9th month and the 9th day of the month belong to "yang", which means positive and

 masculine, and "chongmeans double, thus it is called "chong yang". people often gather for a party, appreciate chrysanthemums, pin the leaves of cornus on clothes. and the custom of climbing mountains and eating a special cake also features the day.

 this custom of climbing mountains can be dated back as early as west han dynasty. some old travel notes have it that, people climbed to mountain peaks not only for beautiful scenes and poetic inspiration, but also the avoidance of evil spirits and disasters.

 this practice came from an ancient folktale. it is said long ago there appeared a devil of plaguein the ruhe river. people lay down and died wherever it came up. a boy named heng jing swore to help his neighbors and fellow people to get rid of it. he visited many famous mountains to seek a powerful

  master. finally an old taoist took him in and taught him how to defeat the devil. heng jing put his whole heart into study and practice.

 one day, the taoist called him up and said, 'heng jing, tomorrow is the 9th day of september and the devil will reappear. it is time for you to go home and stop the devil.' the master also gave him a pack of leaves of cornus and a jar of liquor soaked with chrysanthemums.

  篇二:重阳节介绍( 中英文)


 “ 九九”重阳节,携家人一同登高赏菊观景,这项传统的家庭活动被人们沿袭至今。重阳节,携家人一同登高赏菊观景,这项传统的家庭活动被人们沿袭至今。2009 年的重阳节在 10 月 月 26 日,不少子女将日,不少子女将“ 送父母一趟旅行”作为礼物,成为今年重阳节的新时尚。作为礼物,成为今年重阳节的新时尚。

 农历九月九日的重阳节,英文翻译为"Double Ninth Festival" ,又称“ 老人节” 。因为古老的《易经》中把“ 六”定为阴数,把“ 九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九。重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代,重阳被正式定为民间的节日,此后历朝历代沿袭至今。定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九。重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成,到了唐代,重阳被正式定为民间的节日,此后历朝历代沿袭至今。




 The Double Ninth Festival

 the ninth day of the ninth lunar month

 The "Chong Yang Festivalis celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is as such known as the Double Ninth Festival.

 Origins: The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC). According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the

  Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, hence the name "Chong Yang Festival". (Chong means "repeatin Chinese.) The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became

  an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings.Climbing mountains: On the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The Double Ninth Festival is also the "Old Men Festival". Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.

 Family get-togethers: The Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers. It is an occasion to remember one's ancestors, the sacrifices they made and the hardships they underwent. Often, family outings are organised during which people search to renew their appreciation of nature and to reaffirm their love and concern for family members and close friends.


 The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number "6was thought to be of Yin character, meaning

  feminine or negative, while number "9was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival. Chong in Chinese means "double.Also, as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify "forever", both are "Jiu Jiu,the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. That's why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.

  农历九月九日,为传统的重阳节。因为古老的《易经》中把农历九月九日,为传统的重阳节。因为古老的《易经》中把“ 六” 定为阴数,把“ 九”定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九,古人认为是个值得庆贺的吉利日子,并且从很早就开始过此节日。定为阳数,九月九日,日月并阳,两九相重,故而叫重阳,也叫重九,古人认为是个值得庆贺的吉利日子,并且从很早就开始过此节日。

  The custom of ascending a height to avoid epidemics was passed down from long time ago. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called "Height Ascending Festival". The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity. Even today, people still swarm to famous or little known mountains on this day.

 在古代,民间在重阳有登高的风俗,故重阳节又叫“登高节登高节” 。相传此风俗始于东汉。唐代文人所写的登高诗很多,


  On this day, people will eat Double Ninth Gao (or Cake). In Chinese, gao (cake) has the same pronunciation with gao (height). People do so just to hope progress in everything they are engaged in. There is no fixed ways for the Double Ninth Cake, but super cakes will have as many as nine layers, looking like a tower.

  在这一天,人们还有吃“ 重阳糕”, 的习俗。在汉语里,“ 糕”与 与“ 高” 同音,” ,人们会用“ 吃糕” 代替“ 登高”,祝愿百事俱高。重阳糕又称花糕、菊糕、五色糕,制无定法,较为随意。最高的有九层,像一个塔。,祝愿百事俱高。重阳糕又称花糕、菊糕、五色糕,制无定法,较为随意。最高的有九层,像一个塔。

  The Double Ninth Festival is also a time when chrysanthemum blooms. China boasts diversified species of chrysanthemum and people have loved them since ancient times. So enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum also becomes a key activity on this festival. Also, people will drink chrysanthemum wine. Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.


  月称为“ 菊月”,在菊花傲霜怒放的重阳节里,观赏菊花成了节日的一项重要内容,当然,人们也会喝一些菊花酒。女人会把茱萸插在头上或挂在门口,可以避难消灾。,在菊花傲霜怒放的重阳节里,观赏菊花成了节日的一项重要内容,当然,人们也会喝一些菊花酒。女人会把茱萸插在头上或挂在门口,可以避难消灾。

 In 1989, the Chinese government decided the Double Ninth Festival as Seniors' Day. Since then, all government units, organizations and streets communities will organize an autumn trip each year for those who have retired from their posts. At the waterside or on the mountains, the seniors will find themselves merged into nature. Younger generations will bring elder ones to suburban areas or send gifts to them on this day.

  今天的重阳节,被赋予了新的含义,在 1989 年,我国把每年的九月九日定为老人节,传统...




  (surf on the Internet)

 2. 娱乐




 (Expo Theme)

 4. 磁悬浮列车 (the Maglev)


 志愿者 ( volunteer)

  6. 特色点心





  8. 世博村

 (Expo Village)


  地铁 8 号线

  (Metro Line Eight)

  1 0. 主题馆 (theme pavilions)

 1 1 .


 (metro station)

  1 2. 路标 (road sign)

  1 3.


 (Mid-Autumn Festival)

  1 4. 世博园区

 (Expo Site)

  1 5.



 1 6. 信息中心(the Information Center)

  1 7.



 1 8. 丰盛的晚餐

 (nice dinner)

  1 9.


  the Bund)

 20. 世博会会徽

  (the Expo emblem)

  21 .

  停车场 (the parking lot)



  (Dragon Boat Festival)




 24. 欢迎 (welcome)



  (the light rail station)

 26. 急救中心 (the Emergency Center)


  漂亮的礼物 (nice present)

 28. 聚会 (party)




 30. 服务中心 (the Service Center)

  31 .


 (the sightseeing corridor)

  32. 看电影

 (see a movie)



 (the airport)

  34. 上海大剧院(Shanghai Grand Theater)


  24 小时服务 (open round-the-clock)

  36. 世博中心(the Expo Center)



 (during the day)

 38. 汽车站 (bus stop)


 201 0 世博会 (Expo 201 0)

 40. 红绿灯(the traffic light)

  41 .

  拐角处(the corner)

 42. 东方明珠 (the Oriental Pearl Tower)


  清晨 (early in the morning)

  44. 叫出租车(hail a taxi)


  专线巴士 (the shuttle bus)

 46. 豫园 (Yu Garden)


  入口处 (the entrance)

  第二部分 用英语回答


 Where are you from?

  (I’m from China.)


  When is the Mid-Autumn Festival?

  (It’s on August 15 of the Chinese lunar Calendar.)


  Could you ask her to call me back?

  (May I tell her who’s calling?)


  What’s the theme of Expo 2010?

 (Better city, better life.)


  Where is the Expo Site?

  (It’s along both sides of the Huangpu River.)


  I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.

 (That’s all right.)


  When is the Dragon Boat Festival?

 (It’s in May or June.)


  Sorry, she is not in at the moment.

  (Can I leave a message?)


  What will the weather be like during the Expo?

 (There will be three seasons. They are spring, summer and autumn.)

 1 0

  How far is the airport from the Expo Village?

 (About an hour by bus.)

 1 1

 Jane, this is my friend, Susan.

  (Nice to meet you, Susan.)

  1 2

  Did you have a good flight?

 (Yes, I did.)

 1 3

  Is that Mr. Black?

  (Yes, speaking.)

 1 4

  What do people usually do for entertainment? (Watch TV and surf

 the Internet.)

 1 5

  Thank you for your wonderful meal.

  (I’m glad you enjoyed it.)

 1 6

  How is spring here?

 (Oh, it is a nice sight. Flowers are in bloom.)

 1 7

  Where shall we wait for the on-site bus?

 (Over there. Please look for the road sign.)

 1 8

  May I know your name , please?

 (My name is …)

 1 9

  When do you expect her to be back?

 (In the afternoon, at about four.)


  How is summer here?

  (It is hot during the day. But it is cool early in the morning and in the evening.)


  Are you all volunteers for the expo?

 (Yes, we are. We want to do something for our city and the Expo.)


  How often do you go to see a movie?

  (Once a month.)


  Where is the light rail station, please?

  (Go straight ahead to the traffic lights and then turn left.)


  Thank you for showing us around? (You’re welcome.)


  How is autumn here?

 (Shanghai is most beautiful in autumn.)


  Is the expo center still far off?

 (You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor)


  I’ll tell her when she comes back.

 ( Thank you )


  When is the dragon-boat festival? (It’s in May or June.)


  Oh, I’ll be late.

 (Don’t worry. You can hail a taxi.)


  Excuse me, my friend has a bad stomachache.

 (Let me call the Emergency Center.)


  What is the local specialty in Shanghai?

 (Xiaolong Dumpling.)


  Excuse me, how can I get to the Hilton Hotel?

 (Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.)


  How often does the shuttle bus run?

 (Every ten minutes.)


  Let me take the message.


 OK .)


  Excuse me, is there a bank near here? ( Yes , there is one around the corner.)


  Make yourself at home, please.

 (Yes, I will.)


  When will the Expo end?

 (On October 31 )


  Where are the theme pavilions? ( They are in the center of

 the Expo Site.)


  How are you?

  (I’m fine, thank you. )


  Can I leave a message?



 Is it convenient to go to the expo site in Pudong?

 (Yes, it is. You can go there through tunnels under the river.)


  Is the emergency center open now?

 ( Yes, it is open round-the-clock.)


  Sorry, I’m late. (That’s all right.)


  Have some more, please.

 (No, thank you.

 I’ve had enough.)


  Thank you very much for your nice present.

 (I’m glad you enjoyed it.)


  When will the Expo begin?

 (On May 1)


  I can’t find my briefcase.

 (Don’t worry. You can ask the Information Center for helpl)


  Hello, I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith.

 (Hold on, please.)


  Welcome to my home!

  (Thank you.)


  What do you prefer, tea or coffee?

 (Tea, please.)


 How long will the Expo last? ( Six months.)


  Excuse me, where can I take Metro Line 8 ?

 (There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.)


 根据中文提示, 用英语表答



  (Did you have a good flight?)



 (Make yourself at home, please.)


  重阳节是老年人的节日, 怎么说? (The Double Nine Festival is the Festival for the elderly.)


  城市让生活更美好, 怎么说?

 (Better city, better life.)



 (I’m looking for the Service Center.)


  你感谢对方的帮助, 该怎么说?

  (Thank you very much for your help.)



  (Excuse me, Madame, is there a bank near here?)



 (When do you expect her /him to be back?)



 (Where shall we wait for the on-site bus? )

 1 0

  你请对方别担心, 可以向信息中心求助。

  (Don’t worry.

 You can ask the Information Center for help.)

 1 1 . 我通常看电影、 上上网, 怎么说? ( I usually watch TV and surf

 the Internet.)

 1 2. 上海越来越国际化了, 怎么说?

 (Shanghai is becoming more and more international.)

 1 3. 世博会会徽看起来像三个人手挽着手。

 (It looks like three people holding hands.)

 1 4. 豫园总是游人如云。

 (Yu Garden always attracts a lot of tourists.)

 1 5. 你告诉对方, 见到他很高兴。

 (Nice to see you.)

 1 6. 你已经吃饱了, 向对方表示感谢。

 (Thank you. I’ve had enough.)

 1 7. 重阳节是老人的节日, 怎么说? (The Double Nine Festival is the festival for the elderly.)

 1 8. 急救中心全天 24 小时服务。

 (The Emergency Center is open round-the-clock.)

 1 9. 外滩是游客的必游之地。

 (The Bund is a must to visitors.)

 20. 欢迎布莱克夫人到上海。

 (Welcome to Shanghai, Mrs. Black.)

 21. 你问对方想坐磁悬浮列车去机场吗?

 (Do you want to take the Maglev to the airport.)

 22. 我能向他转告您是谁吗?

 (May I tell her who’s calling?)

 23. 城市, 让生活更美好。

 (Better city, better life.)

 24. 请对方别担心, 可以向信息中心求助。

  (Don’t worry. You can ask the Information Center for helpl)

 25. 你向对方介绍玛丽`布莱克。

 ( This is Mary•Black.)

 26. 我能留个口信吗? (Can I leave a message.)

 27. 东方明珠是上海的地标? (The Oriental Pearl Tower is the landmark of Shanghai.)

 28. 告诉对方, 停车场对面有地铁站。

 (There is a metro station just across from the parking lot.)

 29. 见到张小姐很高兴。

 (Nice to meet you, Miss Zhang.)

 30. 你问客人想再喝一杯茶吗? (Would you like another cup of tea?)

 31. 拐弯处有一家银行。

 (There is a bank around the corner.)

 32. 上海大剧院在市中心。

 (Shanghai Grand Theatre is somewhere downtown.)

 33. 你告诉对方, 这是一年中最适宜来上海游玩的时间。

  (It’s the best time of year for people to visit Shanghai.)

 34. 别人帮助了你, 你表示感谢。

 (Thank you for your help.)

 35. 请吃菜。

 (Help yourself to some dishes, please.)

 36. 你告诉对方, 你对这儿不熟悉。

 (Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.)

 37. 夜游黄浦江真是令人兴奋。

 (A night tour on the Huangpu River is really excting!)

 38. 专线大巴会把你带到入口处附近。

 (The shuttle bus will take you near the entrance.)

 39. 别人帮你拎包, 你怎么表示感谢。

 (Thank you for helping me to carry the bag.)

 40. 你问对方想坐专线大巴去机场吗? (Do you want to take the shuttle bus to the airport?)

 41. 对不起, 他现在不在。

 (Sorry, she’s not in at the moment.)

 42. 在新天地, 你可以看到各国游客。

 (You can see people of different races in Xin Tian Di.)

 43. 请注意路标。

 (Please look for the road sign.)

 44. 别人带你参观, 表示感谢。

 (Thank you for showing us around.)

 45. 你问对方要去哪个方向? (Which way are you going? )

  46. 端午节我们通常吃粽子。

 (We usually eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival.)

 47. 是否哪里不舒服?

 (Are you all right?)

 50. 我们希望为世博会做些事情。

 (We want to do something for the Expo.)

 51. 你踩了 别人的脚, 表示对不起? (I’m sorry for stepping on your toes.)

 52. 你能尽兴, 我很高兴。

 (I’m glad you enjoyed it.)

 53. 你告诉对方, 走到红绿灯的地方往左拐。

 (Go to the traffic lights and then turn left.)

 54. 你可以向信息中心求助。

 (You can ask the Information Center for help !)

 55. 沿着这条观光长廊可以到达。

 (You can walk there right down the sightseeing corridor. )

  第一部分 请用英语说出下列词汇


 上网 (surf on the Internet)

 2 娱乐 (entertainment)

 3 世博会主题 (Expo Theme)

 4 磁悬浮列车 (the Maglev)

  5 志愿者 (volunteer)

 第二部分 用英语回答考官提问


 Where are you from? (I’m from America.)

 2 When is the Mid-Autumn Festival? (It’s on August 1 5 of the Chinese lunar Calendar.)

 3 Could you ask her to call me back? (May I tell her who’s calling?)

 4 What’s the theme of Expo 2010? (Better ci...


it7 Chinese festivals 第七单元 中国节日 Story time ①The Spring Festival is in January or February. People also call it Chinese New Year. At this festival, people get together with their families. Some people eat dumplings. 春节在一月或者二月。人们也把它叫作中国农历新年。在这个节日里,人们和他们的家人团聚。一些人吃饺子。

 ②The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. There are dragon boat races in some places. People eat rice dumplings at this festival. 端午节在五月或者六月。在一些地方有赛龙舟。人们在这个节日里吃粽子。

 ③The Mid--Autumn Festival is in September or October. People look at the moon at night with their families. They eat moon cakes and fruit. 中秋节在九月或者十月。人们和他们的家人在晚上赏月。他们吃月饼和水果。

 ④The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November. It is a festival for old people. People visit their parents and grandparents. They also climb mountains and eat rice cakes at this festival. 重阳节在十月或者十一月。它是老年人的节日。人们看望他们的父母和(外)祖父母。他们还在这个节日里爬山和吃重阳糕。

 Words Double Ninth Festival 重阳节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节 Spring Festival

 春节 a rice cake

 年糕 dumplings

 饺子 moon cakes 月饼 rice dumplings 粽子

 Sound time th mouth

 嘴巴 thank

 谢谢 thin

 瘦 think 想

 Thirty-three songbirds Sitting in the tree.

 三十三只会唱歌的鸟在树上 Thirty-three songbirds Singing songs to me.


 Today is my birthday.


 I’m happy as can be. 我很开心!

 Culture time Halloween is on 31st October. Children usually dress up. They knock on

 people’s doors and shout “Trick or treat?” for sweets. 万圣节在 10 月 31 日。孩子们经常化妆。他们敲别人家的门然后说不给糖就捣蛋然后讨糖果。

 Cartoon time ①It is Mother"s Day today. 今天是母亲节。

 Tina:Do you know Mother" s Day, Bobby? 蒂娜:你知道母亲节吗,博比? Bobby: No, I don"t. What is it? 博比:不,我不知道。它是什么? Tina: It"s a day for mothers. It"s on the second Sunday of May.


 ②Bobby likes all festivals. 博比喜欢所有的节日。

 Bobby: What do people do on Mother"s Day? 博比:在母亲节人们做什么? Tina: They give their mothers presents. 蒂娜:他们给他们的妈妈礼物。

 ③Bobby and Tina talk about the present for Mum. 博比和蒂娜谈论给妈妈的礼物。

 Bobby: What should we give Mum? 博比:我们应该给妈妈什么呢? Tina: What about a card and some flowers? 蒂娜:一张卡片和一些花怎么样? Bobby: That"s a good idea! 博比:那是一个好主意!

 ④Mum and Dad come home. 妈妈和爸爸回家了。

 Tina and Bobby: Happy Mother"s Day, Mum! We love you! 蒂娜和博比:母亲节快乐,妈妈!我们爱你!

 Mum: Thank you! I love you too! 妈妈:谢谢你们!我也爱你们!

 Dad: Is there a Father"s Day too? 爸爸:也有父亲节吗?


用英诧介绍中国传统节日“重阳节”? Double Ninth Festival, also known as Chong Jiu festival, is a Han Chinese traditional festival. Double Ninth Festival celebration will generally include sightseeing trips, climbing mountains, watching chrysanthemum, wearing cornel, eating Double Ninth cake, drinking chrysanthemum wine and other activities. 重阳节,又被称为“重九节”,是中国汉族的传统节日,重阳节有秋游、登高、赏菊、佩插茱萸、吃重阳糕、饮菊花酒等习俗。

 The meaning of Chong Yang is originated from the "Book of Changes". Because the ancient "Book of Changes" defined "six" as negative numbers and the "nine" as positive numbers. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, two nine-phase weight and therefore called Chong Yang, also called Chong Jiu. Ancients thought that Chong Jiu is the auspicious day which is worth celebrating. As a result, people began to celebrate the holiday very early. “重阳”之名称来源于古籍《易经》,乢中把“六”定为阴数,把“九”定为阳数,农历九月初九,两个阳数重在一起,故名“重阳”,又名“重九”,古人认为重九是一个值得庆贺的吉祥日子,因此,人们很早便开始庆祝重阳节。

 The 9th day of the 9th lunar month are homonyms with “long” in Chinese culture. Nine in the figure is the maximum number which has implications of longevity. Besides, the fall season of the year is the golden harvest season. Double Ninth Festival is meaningful. People have always had a special festival feeling. 九在汉诧中是“久(长久)”的谐音,在数字中又是最大数,隐含“长寿”之意,此外,秋天又是丰收的黄金季节,因此,重阳节意义深进,人们对此节日历来有着特殊的感情。

  01 Historical Development 历史演变 Double Ninth Festival has a history of more than two thousand years. The origin of Double Ninth Festival can be traced back to the Spring and Autumn Period. In Warring States Period,

 Double Ninth Festival has been emphasized, but the activity is carried out in royal palace. 重阳节有两千多年的历史了,其起源可以追溯到春秋时期。在战国时期,重阳节很受重视,但这一活动是在皇宫中迚行的。

 In Han Dynasty, the custom of Double Ninth Festival was increasingly popular. According to legend, the Han emperor Liu’s concubine Ms. Qi was murdered by Queen Lu. One of Ms. Qi’s housemaid named Ms. Jia was expelled and married a common people outside the royal palace. Ms. Jia brought the custom of Double Ninth Festival to the folks. Ms. Jia told people that on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month each year, people should wear cornel, drink chrysanthemum wine and eat double ninth cake so as to live longer. Since then, the folk customs of Double Ninth Festival was widely spread. 在汉代,重阳节的习俗越来越流行。相传汉高祖刘邦的妃子戚夫人遭到吕后的谋害,戚夫人的一位侍女贾氏被逐出宫,嫁与贫民为妻。贾氏便把重阳的活动带到了民间。贾氏对人说:在皇宫中,每年九月初九,都要佩茱萸、饮菊花酒、吃重阳糕,以求长寿,从此重阳的风俗便在民间传开了。

  The name of Double Ninth Festival was first seen in the records of the Warring Periods. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there appeared written records of the custom of admiring the beauty of chrysanthemum and drink chrysanthemum wine. 关于重阳节的记载最早出现在战国时期的记录中。至魏晋时,出现了赏菊、饮菊花酒习俗的文字记载。

 In Tang Dynasty, Double Ninth Festival was officially set up as a national festival. Since then, the court and the civil both

 celebrate Double Ninth Festival, and hold a variety of activities during the festival. 在唐代,重阳节被正式定为全国性的节日,从那时起,朝廷和民间都庆祝重阳节,并在节日期间举行各种活动。

 In Song Dynasty, the festival had developed more popular among the people. In Ming Dynasty, imperial concubines and servants would eat double ninth cake since the first day of the ninth lunar month. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the emperor would climb Wan Sui Mountain so as to express his autumn ambitions. In Qing Dynasty, the custom of Double Ninth Festival prevailed as before. 到了宋代,这个节日发展得更受人们的欢迎。明代皇宫中嫔妃和宫女太监从初一时就开始一起吃花糕庆祝,九日重阳,皇帝还要亲自到万岁山登高览胜,以畅秋志。清代,这些风俗依旧盛行。

 Since the 1980s, some places of China set up the ninth day of the ninth lunar month as the Elder ’ s Festival. They also advocate the whole society to establish respect and care for the elderly. In 1989, the Chinese government set up the ninth day of the ninth lunar month as the "Festival for the Elderly", "Senior Citizen"s Day." On December 28, 2012, China"s National

 People"s Congress voted by the newly revised "elderly Protection Act." As the Law clearly shows, the ninth day of ninth lunar month as the Elder’s Festival. 从 20 世纪 80 年代开始,中国的一些地方就把农历九月初九定为老人节,他们还提倡全社会树立尊重关爱老人的观念。1989 年,我国政府将农历九月初九定为“敬老节”。2012 年 12 月 28 日,中国全国人大投票通过了新修订的《中华人民共和国老年人权益保障法》,规定每年农历九月初九为“老年节”。

 02 Folk Custom 民间习俗

 Climb Mountains


 There is the custom of climbing mountains in Double Ninth Festival. In the ninth lunar month, the autumn sky is clear and the air is crisp. To climb mountains and look in the distance can be relaxed and happy. 重阳节有登高的习俗。农历九月,秋高气爽,登高进眺是非常愉悦轻松的。

  Admire the Beauty of Chrysanthemum


 Double Ninth Day, there has always been the custom of admiring chrysanthemum. So since ancient times, it is also known as Chrysanthemum Festival. Lunar ninth month was known as chrysanthemum month. Since the Three Kingdoms and Wei and Jin Dynasties, drinking chrysanthemum

 wine, admiring chrysanthemum and writing poems has become fashionable. In ancient Chinese customs, the chrysanthemum is a symbol of longevity. 重阳日,历来就有赏菊花的风俗,所以古来又称菊花节。农历九月正是菊花盛开的时节,从三国魏晋以来,重阳聚会饮酒、赏菊赋诗已成时尚。在中国古俗中,菊花象征长寿。

  Drink Chrysanthemum Wine

 饮菊花酒 Chrysanthemum contain health ingredients. In "Bao Pu Zi" written by Ge Hong in Jin Dynasty, there are the record of people who drank the raw water grown chrysanthemum enjoyed longevity. Drink chrysanthemum wine on Double Ninth

 Festival is a traditional Chinese customs. Drinking chrysanthemum wine is regarded as a way to block off disasters and evil things. Therefore, chrysanthemum wine is seen as "auspicious wine" in ancient China. 菊花含有养生成分,晋代葛洪《抱朴子》有饮用遍生菊花的甘谷水而益寿的记载。重阳佳节饮菊花酒,是中国的传统习俗。饮菊花酒具有祛灾去邪的寓意,因此,菊花酒在古代被看作是“吉祥酒”。

 03 Poetry 诗词

 历代诗词中有不少贺重阳、咏菊花的诗词佳作,其中我们最耳熟能详的应该是唐代诗人王维的《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 :

 九月九日忆山东兄弟 独在异乡为异客,


 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插茱萸少一人。

 Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain Climbing Day Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land, I doubly pine for kinsfolk on a holiday . I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand, Climb up mountain and miss me so far away . (翻译:许渊冲)



 The Chongyang Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, and it is also known as the Doubleis also known as the Double Ninth Festival.重阳节是中国的传统节日 , 在农历九月 初九庆祝, 也被称为重九节。

 The Double Ninth Festival has a history of over 2000 years.

 " The Double Ninth Festival " in the name of records found in the three kingdoms.

 The Wei and Jin dynasties have Shangju, drinking custom.Shangju,

 drinking custom.重阳节已有2000多 年的历史。

 “重阳节” 名称见于记载却在三国时代。

 魏晋时期有了赏菊、 饮酒的习 俗。

 During the Tang Dynasty,

 the Double Ninth Festival was made theFestival was made the official holiday.

 Since then,

 the palace to celebrate the festival,


 and in various festival activities.唐朝时, 重阳节才被定为正式节日从此以后正式节日 。

 从此以后, 宫廷、 民间一起庆祝重阳节,并且在节日 期间进行各种各样的活动。宫

 By the Ming Dynasty,

 the Chong yang Festival in September,

 the palace next to eat cake to celebrate emperor long live,

 must go to the mountain climbing,

 to smooth Qiuzhi.To the Qing Dynasty,

 the custom still prevails.到了 明代, 九月 重阳, 皇宫上下要一起吃花糕庆祝,皇帝要亲自 到万岁山登高,以畅秋志。到了 清代, 这种风俗依旧盛行。

 Began in nineteen eighties,

 some places of our Began in nineteen eighties,

 some places of our country,

 the lunar month in September as the country,

 the lunar month in September as the festival,

 advocate the whole society to festival,

 advocate the whole society to establish respect for the elderly,



 establish respect for the elderly,



 help the old culture.help the old culture.2020世纪世纪80我国一些地方把夏历九我国一些地方把夏历九月 初九定为老人节, 倡月 初九定为老人节, 倡导全社会树立尊老、 敬导全社会树立尊老、 敬老、 爱老、 助老的风气。老、 爱老、 助老的风气。80年代开始,年代开始,

 The Chinese government in 1989 will be the year thewill be the year the day as " the festival ",

 "a festival for the elderly ".

 The folk custom activity中国政府在1989年将每年的这一天定为“老人节” 、 “敬老节” 。

 Thank you for watching !Thank you for watching !



 中国所有的传统节日 、 新节日的英文翻译, 包括中国通行的国际节日都在这里:

 元旦(1 月1 日) NewYear" sDay 春节(农历一月一日) theSpringFestival 元宵节(农历一月十五日) theLanternFestival 国际劳动妇女节(3 月 8 日) InternationalWorkingWomen" sDay 植树节(3 月 12 日) ArborDay 邮政节(3 月 20 日) PostalDay 世界气象节(3 月 23日) WorldMeteorologyDay 清明节(4 月 5 日) ChingMingFestival;Tomb-sweepingFestival 国际劳动节(5 月 1 日) InternationalLabourDay 中国青年节(5 月 4 日) ChineseYouthDay 护士节(5 月 12 日) Nurses" Festival 端午节(农历五月初五) theDragonBoatFestival 国际儿童节(6 月 1 日) InternationalChildren" sDay 中国共产党成立纪念日(7 月 1日) theParty" sBirthday 建军节(8 月 1 日) theArmy" sDay 中秋节(农历八月十五) Mid-autumn(Moon) Festival 教师节(9 月 10 日) Teachers" Day 重阳节(农历九月九日) Double-ninthDay 国庆节(10 月 1 日) NationalDay 除夕(农历十二月三十日) NewYear" sEve 阳历节日 1 月 1 日元旦(New Year" s Day)

 2 月 2 日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)

 2 月 14 日情人节(Valentine" s Day)

 3 月 3 日全国爱耳日 3 月 5 日青年志愿者服务日 3 月 8 日国际妇女节(International Women"

 Day) 3 月 9 日保护母亲河日 3 月12 日中国植树节(China Arbor Day) 3 月 14 日白色情人节(White Day)

 3 月 14 日国际警察日(International Policemen"


 3 月 15 日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)

 3 月 21 日世界森林日(World Forest Day)

 3 月 21 日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)

 3 月 22 日世界水日(World Water Day)

 3 月 23 日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)

 3月 24 日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)

 4 月 1 日愚人节(April Fools"


 4 月 5 日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)

 4 月 7 日世界卫生日(World Health Day)

 4 月 22日世界地球日(World Earth Day) 4 月 26 日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)

 5 月 1 日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)

 5 月 3 日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)

 5 月 4 日中国青年节 (Chinese Youth Day)

 5 月 8 日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day) 5 月 12 日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)

 5 月 15 日国际家庭日(International

 Family Day)

 5 月 17 日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)

 5 月 20 日全国学生营养日 5 月 23 日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)

 5 月 31 日 世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)

 6 月 1 日 国际儿童节(International Children" s Day)

 6 月 5 日世界环境日(International Environment Day)

 6 月 6 日全国爱眼日 6 月 17 日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification)

 6 月 23 日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day) 6 月 25 日全国土地日 6 月 26 日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)

 7 月 1 日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)

 7 月 1 日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)

 7 月 7 日中国人民抗日战争纪念日 7 月 11 日世界人口日(World Population Day)

 8 月 1 日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)

 8 月 12 日国际青年节(International Youth Day)

 9 月8 日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)

 9 月 10 日中国教师节(Teacher" s Day)

 9 月 16 日中国脑健康日 9 月 16 日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)

 9 月 20 日全国爱牙日 9 月 21 日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)

 9 月 27 日世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)

 10 月 1 日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)

 10 月 1 日国际音乐日(International Music Day)

 10 月 1 日国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)

 10 月 4 日世界动物日(World Animal Day)

 10月 5 日世界教师日(World Teachers"

 Day) (联合国教科文组织确立)

 10 月 8 日全国高血压日 10 月 9 日世界邮政日(World Post Day)

 10 月 10 日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)

 10 月 14 日世界标准日(World Standards Day)

 10 月 15 日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)

 10 月 15 日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women" s Day)

 10 月 16 日世界粮食日(World Food Day)

 10 月 17 日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)

 10 月 24 日联合国日(United Nations Day)

 10 月 24 日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day)

 10 月 28 日中国男性健康日 10 月 29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)

 10 月 31 日万圣节(Halloween)

 11月 8 日中国记者节 11 月 9 日消防宣传日 11 月 14 日世界糖尿病日(World Diabetes Day)


 月 17 日国际大学生节 11 月 25 日国际消除对妇女的暴力日(International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)

 12 月 1 日世界爱滋病日(World AIDS Day)

 12月 3 日世界残疾人日(World Disabled Day)

 12 月 4 日全国法制宣传日 12 月 9 日世界足球日(World Football Day)

 12 月 25 日圣诞节(Christmas Day) 12 月 29 日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)

 1 月最后一个星期日国际麻风节 3 月最后一个完整周的星期一中小学生安全教育日 春分月圆后的第一个星期日 复活节(Easter Monday) (有可能是 3 月 22-4 月 25 日间的任一天)

 5 月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother" s Day)

 5 月第三个星期日全国助残日 6 月第三个星期日 父亲节(Father" s Day)

 9 月第三个星期二国际和平日(International Peace Day) 9 月第三个星期六全国国防教育日 9 月 第四个星期日国际聋人节(International Day of the Deaf)

 10 月的第一个星期一世界住房日(World Habitat Day)

 10 月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

 10 月第二个星期三国际减轻自然灾害日(International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction)

 10 月第二个星期四世界爱眼日(World Sight Day)

 11 月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)

 农历节日 农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)

 农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)

 农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)


 (Double-Seventh Day)

 农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)

 农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)

 农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)



e origin of the blNi th FDouble Ninth FestivalDtil重阳节的来历

 The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC). According to the yin/yang dichotomy that forms a basis to the Chinese world view, yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, yhence the name "Chong Yang Festival".ygy,该节日开始早在战国时期(公元前475—221年)。

 根据阴阳二分法,形成一个依据中国人的世界观,阴代表了 元素的黑暗和阳代表着生命和亮度。



 The lunar calendar on September 9, is the Double Ninth Festival, also calls “the oldpeople festival”. The Double Ninth Festival as early as already formed in the Warring States time, to the Tang Dynasty,Double Ninth Festival has been decided as officially folk the holiday, hereafter the double ninth festival follows until now.农历 九月 九日 , 为传统的重阳节,又称“老人节” 。

 重阳节早在战国时期就已经形成, 到了 唐 代, 重阳被正式定为民间 的节日 , 此后重阳节沿袭至今。

 The of customs Double ninth festivalDouble ninth festival重阳节的习 俗

 Our country is chrysanthemum"s hometown, the chrysanthemum is flower of the longevity, therefore, Double Ninth Festival calls the chrysanthemum the festival, enjoyed the chrysanthemum also to become the double ninth festival custom constituent. 我国是菊花的故乡 , 菊是长寿之花, 菊展多 在重阳举行。

 因此, 重阳又称菊花节, 而菊花又称九花。

 赏菊也就成了 重阳节习 俗的组成部分。

 One of Double Ninth Festivamost important holiday activities is climbing. Therefore the Double Ninth Festival calls “the climb up festival”. Climb up everywhere, it has not delimited a stipulation, generally is ascends the mountain, the climb up tower. 重阳最重要的节日 活动之一,即是登高。

 故重阳节又叫“登高节” 。

 登高所到之处,没有划一的规定, 一般是登高山、 登高塔。

 climbing mountainsOn the Double Ninth Festival, people customarily climb mountains, appreciate chrysanthemum flowers, drink chrysanthemum wine and eatdrink chrysanthemum wine, and eat double-ninth cakes. The Double Ninth Festival is also the "Old Men Festival". Old people are especially meant to improve their health by taking part in the activities on the day of the festival.

 Certainly, the people climb up also not just is the climb, but must watch on the mountain the red leaves and the wildleaves and the wild flower, and drinks wine to eat the meat.当 然, 人们登高也不单是攀登而已, 还要观赏山上的红叶野花,并饮酒吃肉 , 享受一番。

 The ninth month also heralds the approach of winter. It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for their ancestors. The Double Ninth Festival, therefore, also became an occasion to visit the graves of dead family members. Clothes made of paper would then be burnt as offerings. 第九个月也预示着冬天的方法。

 这是一个时间当生活需要暖和的衣服, 孝顺的中华儿女扩展这使节日的时候为他们的祖先提供冬天的衣服。

 重阳节, 因此, 也成为一次拜祭的过世的亲人们。用纸做成的衣服做的将被烧为祭。

 重阳的饮食之风, 其中最有名 的就是吃重阳糕。

 在北方, 吃重阳糕之风尤盛。The Double Ninth Festival"s wind of diet, most famous eats the double-ninth cake. In the north, more people eat the double-ninth cake.

 The Double Ninth Festival , our country has drinks the chrysanthemum wine the traditional custom. The chrysanthemum wine, is regarded as in the ancient times is Double Ninth Festival must drink,dispel the disaster to pray “the propitious liquor”. 重阳佳节, 我国有饮菊花酒的传统习 俗。

 菊花酒, 在古代被看作是重阳必饮、 祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒” 。

 The double ninth festival has wears zhuyu"s custom, therefore is called “the zhuyu festival”. The zhuyu is double ninth festival"s important symbol. The people thought that inserts the gzhuyu in double ninth festival this day to be possible to seek asylum the disappearing disaster重阳节有佩茱萸的风俗, 因 此又被称为“茱萸节” 。


 人们认为 在重阳节这一天插茱萸可以避难消灾。

 Double Ninth, Missing My Shandong BrothersWang Wei (Tang Dynasty)As a lonely stranger in the strange land,Every holiday the homesickness amplifiesamplifies.Knowing that my brothers have reached the peak,All but one is present at the planting of zhuyu.

 Let’s go to climb mountains to celebrate thecelebrate the Double Ninth Festival !

推荐访问:重阳节是老人的节日用英语怎么说 重阳节 英语 节日

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